Cateye Ampp 500 & VIZ150


Product Specificatons:

Dimension: [AMPP500] 34 x 100 x 37 mm , [ViZ150] 62.5 x 21.0 x 32.5mm
Weight:[AMPP500] 117 g (light unit and battery), [ViZ150] 27 g (with batteries)
Light source: [AMPP500] High intensity white LED X1, [ViZ150] Red LED x3

High mode 500 lumens: 1.5hrs
Low mode 250 lumens: 3hrs
Daytime HyperConstant mode 500/250 lumens: 5hrs
Flashing mode 250 lumens: 50hrs

Constant (20 lumens):5 hrs
Flashing (15 lumens):70 hrs
Group Ride (50 lumens):11 hrs
Daytime Hyperflash (150 lumens):15 hrs

[AMPP500] Li-ion rechargeable battery (3.6V-2200mAh)
[ViZ150] Li-ion rechargeable battery
Recharge time: [AMPP500] 4-8hrs (USB2.0 recharge)
[ViZ150] approx 3 hrs (0.5A)

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