Cateye Padrone LE


Current speed:Yes
Total distance:Yes
Elapsed time: Yes
Average speed: Yes
Maximum speed:Yes
Wireless transmission: Speed [analog sensor]
Auto power saving: Yes
Auto mode: Yes
Tire size: 16″ – 29″ / 700c
Battery: Computer : CR2032 X1
Sensor:CR2032 X1
Battery life: Computer:approx 1 year (1hr use per day)Sensor:approx 10,000 km [6,250 miles] in total distance

Dimension: 67.5 X 43.0 X 14.5mm
Weight: 31.5 grams

※ The factory-loaded battery life might be shorter than the specification above.
※ Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.

SKU: A10000682 Category: